Upwelling in the Banda Sea

In the southeast monsoon, the sea surface temperature (SST) in the Banda Sea is comparatively lower than in the northwest monsoon. Low SST in the Banda Sea are due to seasonal upwelling during the southeast monsoon (Gordon and Susanto, 2001; Iskandar, 2010; Moore II et al., 2003; Wyrtki, 1961), which peaked between June and September (Gordon and Susanto, 2001; Rachman et al., 2020). There are a variety of views on upwelling driven processes in the Banda Sea. The most common mechanism is suggested by Wyrtki (1961, 1957), who claimed that the upwelling in the Banda Sea is driven by prevailing southeasterly wind during the southeast monsoon. Wyrtki’s concept is further clarified by Longhurst (1993) who indicated that the southeasterly wind during the southeast monsoon generate zonal wind stress, which create offshore Ekman transport, lead to surface divergence in the ocean surface and lead to upwelling in the Banda Sea. Ekman pumping due to the wind stress curl is also referred as an important mechanism in the generation of upwelling in the Banda Sea (Gordon and Susanto, 2001; Iskandar, 2010; Wyrtki, 1958). However, Ratnawati et al. (2016) stated that the Ekman pumping is more important than the Ekman transport to induce upwelling. Upwelling impacts primary productivity in the Banda Sea where it induces a high concentration of chlorophyll (Marpaung et al., 2020; Moore II et al., 2003; Schalk, 1987; Susanto et al., 2006). The upwelling in the Banda Sea is influenced by El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) where during the El Niño, the upwelling is weaker while stronger during La Niña (Gordon and Susanto, 2001).



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